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The arangement of the continents meant that early apes emerged on island chains, The lack of competition and predators allowed the apes to supersize in comparison to smaller monkeys, becoming the dominant generalist omnivores in their environments. The island chains provided an opportunity for great apes to find their way to the supercontinent, where they supersized again due to selection pressures against the large theropods, giving rise to archaic giants. The archaic giants eventually migrated across the other continents until they reached Polaris. The southern giants amalgamated into mammoth herds to survive the chaotic winters. In turn, elephant behaviours and cultures imprinted on giants, and giants developed culture. The advent of culture eventually gave way to primitive technology. Eventually, giants built simple boats and migrated outwards again. Eventually, insular dwarf giants became modern humans, which were more dexterious, allowing for better technology. Humans rapidly spread across the globe, replacing most giant populations until giants became somewhat mythical in nature.

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